
Publication summaries are also available via Google Scholar. Publications can be downloaded below. Links below redirect to publisher’s website if open access.

*Papers from student co-authors are shown with an asterisk. 

Peer-Reviewed Articles

212. Lazarus, T., Grant Gilchrist, H., Sorenson, G., Love, O. P., Janssen, M., White, T., & Elliott, K. H. (2024). Integrating behavior and physiology supports Storer-Ashmole’s halo in a central place forager. Marine Biology, 171(11), 224.

211. Tremblay, F., Choy, E. S., Whelan, S., Hatch, S., & Elliott, K. H. (2024). Time–energy budgets outperform dynamic body acceleration in predicting daily energy expenditure in kittiwakes, and estimate a very low cost of gliding flight relative to flapping flight. Journal of Experimental Biology, 227(21), jeb247176.

210. Kesic, R., Elliott, J. E., Lee, S. L., & Elliott, K. H. (2024). Legacy and emergent contaminants in glaucous-winged gull eggs from Canada's Pacific coast: Spatial distribution, temporal trends, and risks for human consumers. Environmental Pollution, 363, 125099.

209. Van Oordt, F., Silva, J., Patterson, A., & Elliott, K. H. (2024). Plunge-diving into dynamic body acceleration and energy expenditure in the Peruvian booby. Journal of Experimental Biology, jeb-249555.

208. Baak, J. E.,* Hanifen, K. E., Maddox, M. L., Mallory, M. L., Elliott, K. H., Keegan, S., & Provencher, J. F. (2024). Decades of monitoring plastic pollution in seabirds in Canada: Spatial, temporal, and methodological insights. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 206, 116800.

207. Fontaine, A.,* Larocque, G., Elliott, K. H., & Simard, A. (2024). The Neighbourhood Bat Watch project reveals that rapid declines of bats after white-nose syndrome are exacerbated by a high rate of colony exclusion. Canadian Journal of Zoology, (ja).

206. Léandri-Breton, D. J.,* Jouanneau, W., Legagneux, P., Tarroux, A., Moe, B., Angelier, F., ... & Chastel, O. (2024). Winter Tracking Data Suggest that Migratory Seabirds Transport Per-and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances to Their Arctic Nesting Site. Environmental Science & Technology, 58(29), 12909-12920.

205. O’Connor, R.S., Love, O.P., Régimbald, L. et al. An arctic breeding songbird overheats during intense activity even at low air temperatures. Sci Rep 14, 15193 (2024).

204. Barracho, T., Hatch, S. A., Kotzerka, J., Garthe, S., Schraft, H. A., Whelan, S., & Elliott, K. H. (2024). Survival costs of reproduction are independent of energy costs in a seabird, the pelagic cormorant. Ecology and Evolution, 14(7), e11414.

203. Léandri-Breton, D.,* Elliott, K., Tarroux, A., Legagneux, P., Jouanneau, W., Amélineau, F., Angelier, F., Blévin, P., Bråthen, V., Fauchald, P. and Gabrielsen, G., (2024). Low energy expenditure at the edge of a seabird's winter range suggests energy underpins the Abundant Centre Hypothesis. In press.

202. Piatt JF, Arimitsu ML, Thompson SA, Suryan R, Wilson RP, Elliott KH, Sydeman WJ (2024) Mechanisms by which marine heatwaves affect seabirds. Marine Ecology Progress Series 737:1-8.

201. Tremolada P, Saliu F, Winkler A, Carniti CP, Castelli M, Lasagni M, Andò S, Leandri-Breton DJ*, Gatt MC, Obiol JF, Parolini M, Nakajima C, Whelan S*, Shoji A, Hatch SA, Elliott KH, Cecere JG, Rubolini D (2024) Indigo-dyed cellulose fibers and synthetic polymers in surface-feeding seabird chick regurgitates from the Gulf of Alaska. Marine Pollution Bulletin 203:116401.

200. Léandri-Breton, D.-J.,* Elliott, K. H., Tarroux, A., Moe, B., Jouanneau, W., Amélineau, F., Angelier, F., Blévin, P., Sandøy Bråthen, V., Fauchald, P., Gabrielsen, G. W., Goutte, A., Parenteau, C., Tartu, S., Legagneux, P., & Chastel, O. (2024). Individual quality overwrites carry-over effects across the annual cycle of a long-distance migrant. Journal of Animal Ecology, 93, 1197–1211.

199. Albert C, Moe B, Strøm H, Grémillet D, Brault-Favrou M, Tarroux A, Descamps S, Bråthen V, Merkel B, Åström J, Amélineau F, Angelier F, Anker-Nilssen T, Chastel O, Christensen-Dalsgaard S, Danielsen J, Elliott KH, Erikstad KE, Ezhov A, Fauchald P, Gabrielsen GW, Gavrilo M, Hanssen SA, Helgason HH, Johansen MK, Kolbeinsson Y, Krasnov Y, Langset M, Lemaire J, Lorentsen SH, Olsen B, Patterson A*, Plumejeaud-Perreau C, Reiertsen TK, Systad GH, Thompson PM, Thórarinsson TL, Butamante P, Fort J. 2024. Seabirds reveal mercury distribution across the North Atlantic Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 121:e2315513121.

198. Petalas, C.,* Lavoire, R.A., Elliott, K.H. 2024. Multidimensional niche differentiation of chick-rearing sympatric auks in the Gulf of St Lawrence. Marine Biology 171:1-15.

197. Blanc-Benigeri, A.,* Poirier, V.,* Narango, D., Elliott, K.H., Frei, B. 2024. Diet of moulting Swainson’s thrushes (Catharus ustulatus) and Tennessee warblers (Leiothlypis peregrina) at a stopover site during fall migration measured with fecal DNA metabarcoding. Scientific Reports 14:9913.

196. van Oordt, F.,* Cuba, A., Choy, E.S.*, Elliott, J.E., Elliott, K.H. 2024. Amino acid-specific isotopes reveal changing five-dimensional niche segregation in Pacific seabirds over 50 years. Scientific Reports 14:7899.

195. Lacombe, R.M.,* Martigny, P., Pelletier, D., Barst, B.D., Guillemette, M., Amyot, M., Lavoie, R., Elliott, K.H. 2024. Exploring the spatial variation in mercury in the Gulf of St Lawrence using northern gannets as fish samplers. Science of the Total Environment 927:172152.

194. Brisson-Curadeau, É.,* Bost, C.A., Cherel, Y., Elliott, K.H. 2024. King penguins adjust their foraging effort rather than diet when faced with poor foraging conditions. Ibis 166:723-731.

193. Bird, D.M., Petalas, C.*, Pace, P., Elliott, K.H. 2024. Using drones to measure the status of cavity-nesting raptors. Drone Systems and Application 12:.

192. Legros, J.,* McGuire, L., Elliott, K.H., Simard, A., 2024. The relative influence of landscape features on maternity roost and hibernaculum selection in temperate bats. Canadian Journal of Zoology.

191. Schlener, J*, Whelan, S.*, Hatch, S., Guigueno, M.F., Elliott, K.H. 2024. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it: variable foraging behaviour is associated with low kittiwake reproductive success. Animal Behaviour 209:155-167.

190. Baak, J.E.,* Provencher, J.F., Mallory, M.L., Elliott, K.H. 2024. Spatial ecotoxicology: what we know about the relationship between avian movements and contaminant levels. Environmental Reviews.

189. Dunoyer, J.M.,* Lalla, K.M.,* Fraser, K., Elliott, K.H. 2024. Diet is associated with age and habitat, not foraging range, in purple martins: implications for aerial insectivores as indicators. Canadian Journal of Zoology.

188. Cruz-Flores, M., Lemaire, J., Brault-Favrou, M., Christensen-Dalsgaard, S., Churlaud, C., Descamps, S., Elliott, K.H., Erikstad, K.E., Ezhov, A., Gavrilo, M., Gremillet, D., Guillou, G., Hatch, S., Huffeldt, N.P., Kitaysky, A.S., Kolbeinsson, Y., Krasnov, Y., Langset, M., Leclaire, S., Linnebjerg, J.F., Lorentzen, E., Mallory, M.L., Merkel, F.R., Montevecchi, W., Mosbech, A., Patterson, A., Perret, S., Provencher, J.F., Reiertsen, T.K., Renner, H., Strom, H., Takahashi, A., Thiebot, J.B., Thorarinsson, T.L, Will, A., Bustamante, P., Fort, J. 2024. Spatial distribution of selenium-mercury in Arctic Seabirds. Environmental Pollution 343:123110.

187. Fontaine, A.,* Simard, A., Simard, V., Broders, H.G., Elliott, K.H. 2024. Using PIT tags to infer bat reproductive status and parturition date: busy nights during lactation. Journal of Mammalogy 105:289-299.

186. Petalas, C.,* van Oordt, F.,* Lavoie, R.A., Elliott, K.H. 2024. A review of niche segregation across sympatric breeding seabird assemblages Ibis

185. Patterson, A.,* Gaston, A.J., Eby, A.,* Gousy-Leblanc, M.,* Provencher, J.F., 2024. Monitoring cliff-nesting seabirds in the Canadian Arctic: the Coats Island field station. Arctic Science

184. Poirier, V.,* Elliott, K.H., Frei, B. 2024. Peri-urban forest margins are important stopover sites for moult-migrating songbirds. Journal for Nature Conservation 77:126539.

183. Lacombe, R.,*, Barst, B.D., Pelletier, D., Guillemette, M., Amyot, M., Lavoie, R.A., Elliott, K.H., 2024. Compound-specific nitrogen isotope analysis of amino acids shows that bulk methods provide higher estimates of mercury biomagnification in the Gulf of St Lawrence. Environmental Pollution 340:122769.

182. Poirier, V.*, Frei, B., Lefvert, M.*, Morales, A.*, Elliott, K.H., 2023. Moult migrant Tennessee warblers undergo extensive stopover in peri-urban forests of southern Quebec. Canadian Journal of Zoology

181. Fuirst, M., Elliott, K.H., Ferguson, S.H., Fisk, A.T., Harris, L.N., Hedges, K.N., Jacobs, K.B., Johnson, K.F., Loewen, T.N., Matthews, C.J.D., Mundy, C.J., Niemi, A., Ogloff, W.R., Watt, C.A., Yurkowski, D.J., 2023. Seasonal variation in trophic structure and community niche dynamics of an Arctic coastal community of marine vertebrates. Arctic Science 10:

180. Jackson, L.M*., Léandri-Breton, D.J., Whelan, S., Turmaine, A., Hatch, S.A., Grémillet, D. and Elliott, K.H., 2023. Beyond body condition: Experimental evidence that plasma metabolites improve nutritional state measurements in a free-living seabird. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology, 285, p.111504.

179. Gousy-Leblanc, M*., Merkling, T., Whelan, S., Gaston, A.J., Friesen, V.L. and Elliott, K.H., 2023. Go your own way? Reasons for divorce in a monogamous seabird. Animal Behaviour, 204, pp.13-24.

178. Brisson-Curadeau, É*., Scheffer, A., Trathan, P., Roquet, F., Cotté, C., Delord, K., Barbraud, C., Elliott, K. and Bost, C.A., 2023. Investigating two consecutive catastrophic breeding seasons in a large king penguin colony. Scientific Reports, 13(1), p.12967.

177. Geoffroy, M., Bouchard, C., Flores, H., Robert, D., Gjøsæter, H., Hoover, C., Hop, H., Hussey, N.E., Nahrgang, J., Steiner, N. and Bender, M., 2023. The circumpolar impacts of climate change and anthropogenic stressors on Arctic cod (Boreogadus saida) and its ecosystem. Elem Sci Anth, 11(1).

176. Sozzoni, M., Ferrer Obiol, J., Formenti, G., Tigano, A., Paris, J.R., Balacco, J.R., Jain, N., Tilley, T., Collins, J., Sims, Y. and Wood, J., 2023. A chromosome-level reference genome for the black-legged kittiwake (Rissa tridactyla), a declining circumpolar seabird. Genome Biology and Evolution, 15(8), p.evad153.

175. Yurkowski DJ, McCulloch E, Ogloff WR, Johnson KF, Amiraux R, Basu N, Elliott KH, Fisk AT, Ferguson SH, Harris LN, Hedges KJ. 2023. Mercury accumulation, biomagnification, and relationships to δ13C, δ15N and δ34S of fishes and marine mammals in a coastal Arctic marine food web. Marine Pollution Bulletin 193:115233.

174. Whelan S*, Benowitz-Fredericks ZM, Hatch SA, Parenteau C, Chastel O, Elliott KH. 2023. Sex-specific responses to GnRH challenge, but not food supply, in kittiwakes: Evidence for the “sensitivity to information” hypothesis. Hormones and Behavior 154:105389.

173. Kesic R, Elliott JE, Elliott KH, Lee SL, Maisonneuve F. 2023. Perfluoroalkyl Substances in Seabird Eggs from Canada’s Pacific Coast: Temporal Trends (1973–2019) and Interspecific Patterns. Environmental Science & Technology 57:10792-10803.

172. Marcouillier L, Miranda E*, Whelan S*, Fifield D, Hatch S, Shoji A, Nakajima C, Elliott K. 2023. PIT tagging does not measurably reduce reproductive success in sensitive burrow-nesting seabirds. Marine Biology 171:77. PREPRINT (Version 1) available at Research Square [].

171. Beal M, Catry P, Phillips RA, Oppel S, Arnould JP, Bogdanova MI, Bolton M, Carneiro AP, Clatterbuck C, Conners M, Daunt F. 2023. Quantifying annual spatial consistency in chick-rearing seabirds to inform important site identification. Biological Conservation 281:109994.

170. Sauve D, Friesen VL, Hatch SA, Elliott KH, Charmantier A. 2023. Shifting environmental predictors of phenotypes under climate change: a case study of growth in high latitude seabirds. Journal of Avian Biology 5-6:e03062.

169. Léandri-Breton D*, Elliott KH, Tarroux A, Legagneux P, Jouanneau W, Amélineau F, Angelier F, Blévin P, Bråthen V, Fauchald P, Goutte A. 2023. High energy expenditure at the core of a seabird’s winter range: metabolic mechanisms for range limits. Authorea Preprints. DOI: 10.22541/au.168197955.55195128/v1.

168. Shoji A, Whelan S, Cunningham JT, Hatch SA, Niizuma Y, Nakajima C, Elliott KH. 2023. Ecological niche partitioning in two Pacific puffins. Marine Ecology Progress Series 709:125-39.

167. Eby A*, Patterson A*, Sorenson G, Lazarus T*, Whelan S*, Elliott KH, Gilchrist HG, Love OP. 2023. Lower nutritional state and foraging success in an Arctic seabird despite behaviorally flexible responses to environmental change. Ecology and Evolution. 4:9923.

166. Amireaux R, Mundy CJ, Pierrejean M, Niemi A, Hedges KJ, Brown TA, Ehn JK, Elliott KH, Ferguson SH, Fisk AT, Gilchrist HG, Harris LN, Iken K, Jacobs KB, Johnson KF, Kuzyk ZA, Limoges A, Loewen TN, Love OP, Matthews CJD, Ogloff WR, Rosenberg B, Sore E, Watt CA, Yurkowski DJ. 2023. Tracing carbon flow and trophic structure of a coastal Arctic marine food web using highly branched isoprenoids and carbon, nitrogen and sulfur stable isotopes. Ecological Indicators 147:109938.

165. Baak JE*, Lacombe RM*, Choy ES*, Elliott KH, Elliott JE. 2023. Interactions between climate change and contaminants. In: Climate Change and Animal Health.

164. Elliott JE, Kesic R, Lee, SL, Elliott KH. 2023. Temporal trends (1968-2019) of legacy persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in seabird eggs from the northeast Pacific: Is it twilight for old POPs? Science of the Total Environment 858:160084.

163. Brisson‐Curadeau É*, Elliott K, Bost CA. 2022. Contrasting bottom-up effects of warming ocean on two king penguin populations. Global Change Biology

162. Patterson A*, Gilchrist HG, Robertson GJ, Hedd A, Fifield DA, Elliott KH. 2022. Behavioural flexibility in an Arctic seabird using two distinct marine habitats to survive the energetic constraints of winter. Movement Ecology 10:45.

161. Madden JC*, Brisson-Curadeau É*, Gillung JP, Bird DM, Elliott KH. 2022. Optimal settings and advantages of drones as a tool for canopy arthropod collection. Scientific Reports 12:18008

160. Esparza I*, Elliott KH, Gallardo OG, Guzman HM. 2022. Upwelling links reproductive success and phenology in tropical Brown Boobies Sula leucogaster. Marine Ornithology 50:119-124. 

159. Lalla K*, Cohn-Haft M, Frei B, Fraser K, Ray J, Fischer JD, Siegrist J, Elliott KH. 2022. Central-place foraging poses variable constraints year-round in a neotropical migrant. Movement Ecology 10:39.

​158. Patterson A*, Gilchrist HG, Benjaminsen S, Bolton M, Bonnet-Lebrun AS, Davoren GK, Descampes S, Erikstad KE, Frederiksen F, Gaston AJ, Gulka J, Hentati-Sundberg J, Huffeldt NP, Johansen KL, Labansen AL, Linnebjerg JF, Love OP, Mallory ML, Merkel FR, Montevecchi WA, Mosbech A, Olsson O, Owen E, Ratcliffe N, Regular PM, Reiertsen TK, Ropert-Coudert Y, Strom H, Thorarinsson TL, Elliott KH. 2022. Foraging range scales with colony size in high-latitude seabirds. Current Biology 32:3800-3807.


157. O’Connor RS, Le Pogam A, Young KG, Love OP, Cox CJ, Roy G, Robitaille F, Elliott KH, Hargreaves AL, Choy ES*, Gilchrist HG, Berteaux D, Tam A, Vezina F. 2022. Warming in the land of the midnight sun: breeding birds may suffer greater heat stress at high-versus low-Arctic sites. Proceedings in the Royal Society of London B 289: 20220300.


156. Krishnamoorthy K, Garde B, Bennison A, Cole NC, Cole EL, Darby J, Elliott KH, Fell A, Gomez-Laich A, Grissac S, Jessopp M, Lempidakis E, Mizutani Y, Prudor A, Quetting M, Quintana F, Robtka H, Roulin A, Ryan PG, Schalcher K, Schoombie S, Tatayah V, Tremblay F*, Weimerskirch H, Whelan S*, Wikelski M, Yoda K, Hedenstrom A, Shepard ELC. 2022. The role of wingbeat frequency and amplitude in flight power. Royal Society Interface 19:20220168.


155. Choy ES*, Blight LK, Elliott JE, Hobson KA, Zanuttig M, Elliott KH. 2022. Stable isotope trends support a long-term diet shift away from marine foraging in Salish Sea glaucous-winged gulls over the last century. Environmental Science & Technology 56:12097-12105.


154. Fontaine A*, Simard A, Brunet N, Elliott KH. 2022. The scientific contributions of citizen science applied to rare or threatened animals. Conservation Biology 36:e13976.

153. Keogan K, Daunt F, Wanless S, Phillips RA, Alvarez D, Anker-Nilssen T, Barrett RT, Bech C, Becker PH, Berglund PA, Bouwhuis S, Burr ZM, Chastel O, Christensen-Dalsgaard S, Descamps S, Diamond T, Elliott K, Erikstad KE, Harris M, Hentati-Sundberg J, Heubeck M, Kress SW, Langset M, Lorentsen SH, Major HL, Mallory M, Mellor M, Miles WTS, Moe B, Mostello C, Newell M, Nisbet I, Reiertsen TK, Rock J, Shannon P, Varpe O, Lewis S, Phillimore AB. 2022. Variation and correlation in the timing of breeding of North Atlantic seabirds across multiple scales. Journal of Animal Ecology 91:1797-1812.

152. Kahane-Rapport SR*, Whelan S*, Ammendolia J, Hatch SA, Elliott KH, Jacobs S. 2022. Food supply and individual quality influence seabird energy expenditure and reproductive success. Oecologia 199:367-376.

151. McKinney MA, Chételat J, Burke SM, Elliott KH, Fernie KJ, Houde M, Kahilainen KK, Letcher RJ, Morris AD, Muir DCG, Routti H, Yurkowski DJ. 2022. Climate change and mercury in the Arctic: Biotic interactions. Science of the Total Environment 834:155221.

150. Ste-Marie E*, Grémillet D, Fort J, Patterson A*, Brisson-Curadeau É*, Clairbaux M, Perret S, Speakman JR, Elliott KH. 2022. Accelerating animal energetics: high dive costs in a small seabird disrupt the dynamic body acceleration–energy expenditure relationship. Journal of Experimental Biology 225:jeb243252.

149. Whelan S*, Gaston AJ, Gilchrist HG, Hatch SA, Elliott KH. 2022. Opposite, but insufficient, phenological responses to climate change in two circumpolar seabirds: relative roles of phenotypic plasticity and selection. Functional Ecology 36:1782-1795.

148. Tremblay F*, Whelan S*, Choy ES*, Hatch SA, Elliott KH. 2022. Resting costs too: the relative importance of active and resting energy expenditre in a sub-arctic seabird. Journal of Experimental Biology 225:jeb243548.

147. Choy ES*, Elliott KH, Esparza I*, Patterson A*, Letcher RJ, Fernie KJ. 2022. Potential disruption of thyroid hormones by perfluoroaxyl acids in an Arctic seabird during reproduction. Environmental Pollution 305:1191812022.

146. Esparza I*, Elliott KH, Choy ES*, Braune BM, Letcher RJ, Patterson A*, Fernie KJ. 2022. Mercury, legacy and emerging POPs, and endocrine-behavioural linkages: implications of Arctic change in a diving seabird. Environmental Research 212: 113190.

145. Baak JE*, Patterson A*, Gilchrist HG, Elliott KH. 2022. First evidence of diverging migration and overwintering strategies in glaucous gulls (Larus hyperboreus) from the Canadian Arctic. Animal Migration 8:98-109.

144. Garde B, Wilson RP, Fell A, Cole N, Tatayah V, Holton MD, Rose KA, Metcalfe RS, Robotka H, Wikelski M, Tremblay F*, Whelan S, Elliott KH, Shepard E. 2022. Ecological inference using data from accelerometers needs careful protocols. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 13:813-825.

143. Kuhlmann K*, Fontaine A*, Brisson‐Curadeau É*, Bird DM, Elliott KH. 2022. Miniaturization eliminates detectable impacts of drones on bat activity. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 13:842-851.

142. Morales A*, Frei B, Mitchell GW, Bégin-Marchand C, Elliott KH. 2022. Reduced diurnal activity and increased stopover duration by molting Swainson’s Thrushes. Auk 139:ukab083.

141. Lin Y, Patterson A*, Jimenez AG, Elliott K. 2022. Altered Oxidative Status as a Cost of Reproduction in a Seabird with High Reproductive Costs. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 95:35-53.

140. Brisson-Curadeau E*, Handrich Y, Elliott KH, Bost CA. 2022. Accelerometry predicts prey-capture rates in the deep-diving king penguin Aptenodytes patagonicus. Marine Biology 168:1-10.

139. Choy ES*, O'Connor RS, Gilchrist HG, Hargreaves AL, Love OP, Vézina F, Elliott KH. 2022. Limited heat tolerance in a cold-adapted seabird: implications of a warming Arctic. Journal of Experimental Biology 224:jeb242168.

138. McCabe R*, K. Wiebe, J.F. Therrien, G. Gauthier, M. Allard, M.G. Skelling, P. Molina, S. Weidensaul, D. Brinker, N. Smith, K. Bates, M. Fuller, and K.H. Elliott. 2022. Factors associated with returns of snowy owls to airports following translocation. Journal of Wildlife Management 86:e22230.

137. Friesen VL, Brunt R, Morris-Pocock JA, Suave D, Baker AJ, Birt TP, Davidson WS, Elliott KH, Montevecchi WA. 2021. A test of mechanisms of population differentiation in gannets (Morus spp.) using comparative phylogeography and morphometrics. Marine Ornithology 49: 275-291.

136. O'Connor RS, Le Pogam A, Young KG, Robitaille F, Choy ES*, Love OP, Elliott KH, Hargreaves AL, Berteaux D, Tam A , Vézina F. 2021. Limited heat tolerance in an Arctic passerine: Thermoregulatory implications for cold‐specialized birds in a rapidly warming world. Ecology and Evolution 11:1609-1619.

135. McCabe R*, Therrien JF, Wiebe K, Gauthier, Brinker D, Weidensaul S, Reid D, Doyle FI, Jacobsen KO, Aarvak T, Øien IJ, Solheim R, Fitzgerald G, Smith N, Bates K, Fuller M, Miller E, Elliott KH. 2021. Density-dependent winter survival of immatures in an irruptive raptor with pulsed breeding. Oecologia 198:295-306.

134. Frederiksen M, Descamps S, Elliott KH, Gaston AJ, Huffeldt NP, Kolbeinsson Y, Linnebjerg JF, Lorentzen E, Merkel FR, Strøm H, Thórarinsson TL. 2021. Spatial variation in vital rates and population growth of thick-billed murres in the Atlantic Arctic. Marine Ecology Progress Series 672:1-13.

133. Leandri-Breton DJ*, Tarroux A, Elliott KH, Legagneux P, Angelier F, Blevin P, Brathen VS, Fauchald P, Goutte A, Jouanneau W, Tartu S, Moe B, Chastel O. 2021. Long-term tracking of an Arctic-breeding seabird indicates high fidelity for pelagic wintering areas Marine Ecology Progress Series 676:205-218.

132. Patterson A*, Gilchrist HG, Gaston AJ, Elliott KH. 2021. Northwest range shifts and shorter wintering period of an Arctic seabird in response to four decades of changing ocean climate. Marine Ecology Progress Series 679:163-179.

131. Ednie G*, Bird D, Elliott KH. 2021. Fewer bat passes are detected during small, commercial drone flights. Scientific Reports 11:11529.

130. Fontaine A*, Simard A, Dubois B, Dutel J, Elliott KH. 2021. Using mounting, orientation, and design to improve bat box thermodynamics in a northern temperate environment. Scientific Reports 11:7728.

129. Silverthorn V, Elliott JE, Studholme KR, Drever M, Miller AA, Elliott KH, Lee S, Drouillard KG, Porter E, Idrissi AM, Crossin GT, JM Hipfner. 2021. Exposure to persistent organic pollutants is linked to over-wintering latitude in a Pacific seabird, the rhinoceros auklet, Cerorhinca monocerata. Environmental Pollution 279:116928.

128. Shoji A, Elliott KH, Watanuki Y, Basu N, Whelan S*, Cunningham J*, Hatch S, Hazuki M, Nakayama SMM, Ikenaka Y, Ishizuka M, Aris-Brosou S. 2021. Geolocators link marine mercury with levels in wild seabirds throughout their annual cycle: Consequences for trans-ecosystem biotransport. Environmental Pollution 284:117035.

127. Divoky G, Brown E*, Elliott KH. 2021. Reduced seasonal sea ice and increased sea-surface temperature change prey and foraging behaviour in an ice-obligate Arctic seabird, Mandt’s black guillemot (Cepphus grylle mandtii). Polar Biology 44:701-715.

126. Brown A*, McCabe R*, Therrien JF, Wiebe K, Gauthier G, Brinker D, Weidensaul S, Elliott KH. 2021. Nomadic breeders, Snowy owls (Bubo scandiacus) do not use stopovers to sample the summer environment. Ibis 163: 1271-1281. 

125. McCabe R*, Therrien JF, Wiebe K, Gauthier G, Brinker D, Weidensaul S, Elliott KH. 2021. Landscape cover type, not social dominance, is associated with winter movement patterns of Snowy Owls in temperate areas. Auk 138:ukaa082.

124. Elliott KH, Braune BM, Elliott JE. 2021. Beyond bulk δ15N: Combining a suite of stable isotopic measures improves the resoltuion fo the food webs mediating contaminant signals across space, time and communities. Environment International 148:106370

123. Petalas C*, Lazarus T*, Lavoie RA, Elliott KH, Guigueno MF. 2021. Foraging niche partitioning in sympatric seabird populations. Scientific Reports 11:2493.

122. Suhring R, Diamond ML, Berstein S, Adams JK, Schuster JK, Fernie K, Elliott KH, Stern G, Jantunen LM. 2021. Organophosphate esters in the Canadian Arctic Ocean. Environmental Science & Technology 55:304-312.

121. Gongora E*, Elliott KH, Whyte LG. 2021. Gut microbiome is affected by inter-sexual and inter-seasonal variation in diet for thick-billed murres (Uria lomvia). Scientific Reports 11:1200.

120. Whelan S*, Hatch S, Benowitz-Fredericks M, Parenteau C, Elliott KH. 2021. The effects of food supply on reproductive hormones and timing of reproduction in an income-breeding seabird. Hormones and Behaviour 127: 104874. 

119. Depot K*, Scopel LC, Kress, S, Shannon P, Diamond A, Elliott KH. 2021. Atlantic puffin diet reflects haddock and redfish abundance in the Gulf of Maine. Marine Ecology Progress Series 656:75-87.

118. Albert C, Helgason HH, Brault-Favrou M, Robertson GJ, Descamps S, Amélineau F, Danielsen J, Dietz R, Elliott KH, Erikstad KE, Eulaers I, Ezhov A, Fitzsimmons MG, Gavrilo M, Golubova E, Grémillet D, Hatch S, Huffeldt NP, Jakubas D, Kitaysky A, Kolbeinsson Y, Krasnov Y, Lorentsen SH, Lorentzen E, Mallory ML, Merkel B, Merkel FR, Montevecchi W, Mosbech A, Olsen B, Orben RA, Patterson A, Provencher J, Plumejeaud C, Pratte I, Reiertsen TK, Renner H, Rojek N, Romano M, Strøm H, Systad GH, Takahashi A, Thiebot JB, Thórarinsson TL, Will AP, Wojczulanis-Jakubas K, Bustamante P, Fort J. 2021. Seasonal variation of mercury contamination in Arctic seabirds: A pan-Arctic assessment. Science of The Total Environment, 750: 142201.

117. Lalla KM, Whelan S, Brown K, Patteron A, Jimenez AG, Hatch SA, Elliott KH. 2020. Accelerometry predicts muscle ultrastructure and flight capabilities in a wild bird. Journal of Experimental Biology 223: jeb234104.

116. Davidson SC, Bohrer G, Gurarie E, LaPoint S, Mahoney PJ, Boelman NT, Eitel JUH, Prugh LR, Vierling LA, Jennewein J, Grier E, Couriot O, Kelly AP, Meddens AJH, Oliver RY, Kays R, Wikelski M, Aarvak T, Ackerman JT, Alves JA, Bayne E, Bedrosian B, Belant JL, Berdahl AM, Berlin AM, Berteaux D, Bêty J, Boiko D, Booms TL, Borg BL, Boutin S, Boyd WS, Brides K, Brown S, Bulyuk VN, Burnham KK, Cabot D, Casazza M, Christie K, Craig EH, Davis SE, Davison T, Demma D, DeSorbo CR, Dixon A, Domenech R, Eichhorn G, Elliott KH... Leandri-Breton DJ*.... Patterson A*... and 103 others. 2020. Ecological insights from three decades of animal movement tracking across a changing Arctic. Science 370: 712-715.

115. Delehunty B, Bossart GD, Cahmpagne C, Crocker DE, Elliott KH, Fair PA, Houser D, Newman AEM, Boonstra R. 2020. Measurement of free glucocorticoids: quantifying corticosteroid binding capacity and its variation within and among mammal and bird species. Conservation Physiology 8: coaa0057. Open access here.

114. Osborne O*, O'Hara P, Elliott KH, Zandbergen P, Hatch SA, Elliott KH. 2020, Breeding seabirds increase foraging range in response to an extreme marine heat wave. Marine Ecology Progress Series 646:161–173. Open access here.

113. Sun A*, Whelan S*, Hatch SA, Elliott KH. 2020. Tags below three percent of body mass increase nest abandonment by rhinoceros auklets, but handling impacts decline as breeding progresses. Marine Ecology Progress Series 643:173-181.

112. Thimot NJ*, Titman RD, Elliott KH, Craik SR. 2020. Conspecific brood parasitism in an upland-nesting bird: cues parasites use to select a nest. Behavioral Ecology & Sociobiology 74:27.

111. Collins PM, Green JA, Elliott KH, Shaw PJA, Chivers L, Hatch SA, Halsey LG. 2020. Coping with the commute: behavioural responses to wind conditions in a foraging seabird. Journal of Avian Biology e:02057.

110. Whelan S*, Hatch SA, Irons DB, McKnight A, Elliott KH. 2020. Increased summer food supply decreases non-breeding movement in black-legged kittiwakes. Biology Letters 16:20190725.

109. Aleksieva A*, Treberg JR, Diamond AW, Hatch SA, Elliott KH. 2020. Foot web pentosidine does not covary strongly with age in four species of wild seabirds. Experimental Gerontology 132:110833.

108. Morales A*, Frei B, Leung C*, Titman R, Whelan S*, Benowitz-Fredericks ZM, Elliott KH. 2020. Point-of-care blood analyzers measure the nutritional state of eighteen free-living bird species. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology 240:110594.

107. Grenier P*, Elliott JE, Drouillard KG, Guigueno MF, Muir D, Shaw DP, Wayland M, Elliott KH. 2019. Long-range transport of legacy organic pollutants affects alpine fish in western Canada. Science of the Total Environment 712:135889.

106. Miller A, Elliott JE, Wilson LK, Elliott KH, Drouillard KG, Verreault J, Lee S, Idrissi A. 2019. Influence of overwinter distribution on exposure to persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in seabirds, ancient murrelets (Synthliboramphus antiquus), breeding on the Pacific coast of Canada. Environmental Pollution 259:113842.

105. Schraft HA, Whelan S*, Elliott KH. 2019. Huffin' and puffin: seabirds use large bills to dissipate heat from energetically demanding flight. Journal of Experimental Biology 222:jeb212563.

104. Brisson-Curadeau É*, Cote P, Elliott KH. 2019. Factors influencing fall departure phenology in migratory birds that bred in northeastern North America. Auk 137:10.1093/auk/ukz064

103. Jimenez AG, O'Connor ES, Elliott KH. 2019. Muscle myonuclear domain, but not oxidative stress, decreases with age in a long-lived seabird with high activity costs. Journal of Experimental Biology 222:jeb211185.

102. Collins SM, Hatch SA, Elliott KH, Jacobs SR. 2019. Boldness, mate choice and reproductive success in Rissa tridactyla. Animal Behaviour 154:67-74.

101. Brisson-Curadeau É*, Elliott KH. 2019. Prey capture and selection throughout the breeding season in a deep-diving generalist seabird, the thick-billed murre. Journal of Avian Biology 2019:e01930.

100. Guigueno MF, Shoji A, Elliott KH, Aris-Brosou S. 2019. Flight costs in volant vertebrates: a phylogenetically-controlled meta-analysis of birds and bats. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A 235:193-201.

99. Nip E*, Frei B, Elliott KH. 2019. Seasonal and temporal variation in scaled mass index of Black-capped Chickadees (Poecile atricapillus). Canadian Field Naturalist 132:368-377.

98. Brown K, Jimenez AG, Whelan S*, Lalla K*, Hatch SA, Elliott KH. 2019. Muscle fiber structure in an aging long-lived seabird, the black-legged kittiwake (Rissa tridactyla). Journal of Morphology 280: 1061-1070. DOI: 10.1002/jmor.21001.

97. Patterson A*, Gilchrist HG, Chivers L, Hatch SA, Elliott KH. 2018. A comparison of techniques for classifying behaviour from accelerometers for two species of seabirds. Ecology & Evolution 9:3030-3045.  

96. Shoji A, Elliott KH, Aris-Brosou S, Mizukawa H, Nakayama SMM, Ikenaka Y, Ishizuka M, Kuwae T, Watanabe K, Gonzalez JE, Watanuki Y. 2018. Biotransport of metallic trace elements from marine to terrestrial ecosystems by seabirds. Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry 38:106-114.

95. Mallory ML, Provencher JF, Wong SNP, Anderson C, Elliott KH, Gaston AJ, Gilchrist HG, Janssen M, Lazarus T*, Patterson A*, Pirie-Dominix L, Spencer NC. 2018. Identifying key marine habitat sites for seabirds and sea ducks in the Canadian Arctic. Environmental Reviews 27:215-240.

94. Cunningham J*, Elliott KH, Cottenie K, Hatch SA, Jacobs SR. 2018. Individual foraging location, not dietary, specialization: implications for rhinoceros auklets as samplers of forage fish. Marine Ecology Progress Series 605:225-240.

93. Brisson-Curadeau É*, Gilchrist HG, Takahashi A, Dutilleul P, Elliott KH. 2018. The formation of foraging aggregations in a highly social seabird, the thick‑billed murre (Uria lomvia), at small and large scales. Marine Biology 165:170. 

92. Góngora E*, Braune BM, Elliott KH. 2018. Nitrogen and sulfur isotopes predict variation in mercury levels in Arctic seabird prey. Marine Pollution Bulletin 135: 907-914. 

91. Craik SR, Titman RD, Savard JP, Kaouass M, Thimot N*, Elliott KH, Tremblay É. 2018. Costs and response to conspecific brood parasitism by colonial red-breasted mergansers. Journal of Ethology 36:251-258.

90. Jarjour C*, Frei B, Elliott KH. 2017. Associations between sex, age and species-specific climate sensitivity in migration. Animal Migration 4:23-36.

89. Elliott K, Roth JD, Crook K. 2017. Chapter 2: Lipid extraction techniques for stable isotope analysis and ecological assays. Bhattacharya SK (ed). Lipodomics: Methods and protocols. Methods in Molecular Biology: Vol. 1509

88. Brisson-Curadeau É*, Bird D, Burke C, Fifield DA, Pace P, Sherley RB, Elliott KH. 2017. Seabird species vary in behavioural response to drone census. Scientific Reports 7:17884.

87. Brisson-Curadeau É*, Patterson A*, Whelan S*, Lazarus T*, Elliott KH. 2017. Tracking Cairns: biologging improves the use of seabirds as sentinels of the sea. Frontiers in Marine Science 4:357.

86. Elliott KH, Betini GS, Norris DR. 2017. Fear creates an Allee effect: experimental evidence from seasonal populations. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 284:20170878.

85. Elliott KH, Norris DR, Betini GS, Dworkin I. 2017. Scared fitless: context-dependent response of fear to loss of predators over evolutionary time in Drosophila melanogaster. FACETS 2:342-354.

84. Stein AC, Elliott K, Guigueno MF, Kalinina V. 2017. Status of the three-wattled bellbird (Procnias tricarunculatus) in the Nicoya Mountains, Costa Rica. Ornitologia Neotropical 28:135-141.

83. Maggini I, Kennedy LV, Elliott KH, Dean K, Guglielmo CG. 2017. Light oiling increases flight energy expenditure in a migratory shorebird. Journal of Experimental Biology 220:2372-2379.

82. Maggini I, Kennedy LV, Elliott KH, Dean KM, MacCurdy R, Macmillan A, Pritsos CA, Guglielmo CG. 2017. Trouble on takeoff: crude oi on feathers reduces escape performance of shorebirds. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 141:171-177.

81. Elliott KH, Linnebjerg JF, Burke C, Gaston AJ, Mosbech A, Frederiksen M, Merkel F. 2017. Variation in Growth Drives the Duration of Parental Care: A Test of Ydenberg’s Model. American Naturalist 189: 526-538. 

80. Ballufi-Fry J*, Elliott K. 2017. Using bird survey data to associate habitat type and bird species richness in a forest of southern Quebec. Ontario Birds.

79. Cunningham JT*, Le Vaillant M, Gaston AJ, Ropert-Coudert Y, Kato A, Jacobs SR, Elliott KH. 2017. Reduced activity in middle-aged thick-billed murres: evidence for age related trends in fine-scale foraging behaviour. Animal Behaviour 126:271-280.

78. Elliott KH, Elliott JE. 2016. Origin of sulfur in diet drives spatial and temporal mecury trends in seabird eggs from Pacific Canada 1968-2015. Environmental Science & Technology 50:13380-13386.

77. Shoji A, Aris-Brosou S, Elliott KH. 2016. Physiological constraints scale with body mass during dives in auks: A comparative analysis. Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry A 196:54-60.

76. Stothart M*, Elliott KH, Wood T*, Hatch SA, Speakman JR. 2016. Counting calories in cormorants: dynamic body acceleration predicts daily energy expenditure measured in pelagic cormorants. Journal of Experimental Biology 219:2192-2200.

75. Elliott KH. 2016. Measurement of flying and diving metabolic rate in wild animals; review and recommendations. Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry A 202:63-77.

74. Elliott KH, Betini GS, Dworkin ID, Norris DR. 2016. Experimental evidence for within‐and cross‐seasonal effects of fear on survival and reproduction. Journal of Animal Ecology 85:507-515.

73. Chivers L, Hatch SA, Elliott KH. 2015. Accelerometry reveals an impact of short-term tagging on seabird activity budgets. Condor 118:159-168.

72. Elliott KH, Elliott JE. 2015. Lipid extraction techniques for stable isotope analysis of bird eggs: chloroform-methanol leads to more enriched 13C values than extraction via petroleum ether. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 474:54-57.

71. Elliott KH, Gaston AJ. 2015. Diel vertical migration of prey and light availability constrain foraging in an Arctic seabird. Marine Biology 162:1739-1748.

70. Mallory M, Little C, Boyd E, Ballard J, Elliott K, Gilchrist G, Hipfner M, Petersen A, Shutler D. 2015. Leucocyte profiles of Arctic marine birds: correlates of migration and breeding phenology. Conservation Physiology 3:cov028. 

69. Elliott JE, Kirk D, Elliott KH, Dorzinsky J, Lee S, Inzunza ER, Cheng K, Scheuhammer T, Shaw P. 2015. Mercury in Forage Fish from Mexico and Central America: Implications for Fish-Eating Birds. Archives of Environmental Contamination & Toxicology 69:375-389.

68. Miller A, Elliott JE, Elliott KH, Lee S, Cyr F. Submitted to Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry. 2015. Temporal trends of perfluoralkyl substances (PFAS) in eggs of coastal and offshore birds: increasing PFAS levels associated with offshore bird species breeding on the Pacific coast of Canada and wintering near Asia. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 34:1799-1808.

67. Elliott JE, Brogan J, Lee S, Drouillard KG, Elliott KH. 2015. PBDEs and legacy POPs in urban birds of prey partly explained by trophic level and carbon source. Science of the Total Environment 524:157-165

66. Shoji A, Elliott KH, Greenwood JG, McClean L, Leonard K, Perrins C, Fayet A, Guilford T. 2015. Diving behaviour of benthic feeding black guillemots. Bird Study 62:217-222.

65. Shoji A, Elliott KH, Aris-Brosou S, Wilson RP, Gaston AJ. 2015. Predictors of incubation costs in seabirds: an evolutionary perspective. Ibis 157:44-53.

64. Shoji A, Elliott KH, Fayet A, Boyle D, Perrins C, Guildford T. 2015. Foraging behaviour of sympatric razorbills and puffins. Marine Ecology Progress Series 520:257-267.

63. Elliott KH, O'Reilly KM, Hatch SA, Gaston AJ, Hare JF, Anderson WG. 2014. The prudent parent meets old age: A high stress response in very old seabirds supports the terminal restraint hypothesis. Hormones and Behaviour 66:828-837.

62. Elliott KH, Gaston AJ. 2014. Dive behaviour and daily energy expenditure in thick-billed murres after leaving the breeding colony. Marine Ornithology 42:185-191.

61. Elliott KH, Chivers LS, Bessey L, Gaston AJ, Hatch SA, Kato A, Osborne O, Ropert-Coudert Y, Speakman JR, Hare JF. 2014. Windscapes shape seabird instantaneous energy costs but adult behavior buffers impact on offspring. Movement Ecology 2:17.

60. Elliott KH, Le Vaillant M, Ropert-Coudert Y, Gaston AJ, Hare JF, Anderson WG. 2015. Ageing gracefully: Physiological but not behavioural senescence in an Arctic bird. Functional Ecology. 29:219-228.

59. Elliott KH, Davis M, Elliott JE. 2014. Equations for lipid normalization of carbon stable isotope ratios in aquatic bird eggs. PLoS One 9:e83597

58. Elliott KH, LeVaillant M, Ropert-Coudert Y, Kato A, Hare JF, Speakman JR, Croll DA. 2014. Age-related variation in energy expenditure in a long-lived bird within the envelope of an energy ceiling. Journal of Animal Ecology 83:136-146.

57. Will AP, Suzuki Y, Elliott KH, Hatch SA, Watanuki Y, Kitaysky AS. 2014. Feather corticosterone reveals developmental stress in seabirds. Journal of Experimental Biology 217:2371-2376.

56. Gaston AJ, Elliott KH. 2014. Seabird diet changes in northern Hudson Bay, 1981-2013, reflect the availability of schooling prey. Marine Ecology Progress Series 513:211-223.

55. Miller A, Elliott JE, Elliott KH, Guigueno MF, Wilson LK, Lee S, Idrissi A. 2014. Spatial and temporal trends in brominated flame retardants in seabirds from the Pacific coast of Canada. Environmental Pollution 195:48-55.

54. Miller A, Elliott JE, Elliott KH, Guigueno MF, Wilson LK, Lee S, Idrissi A. 2014. Brominated flame retardant trends in aquatic birds from the Salish Sea region of the west coast of North America, including a mini-review of recent trends in marine and estuarine birds. Science of the Total Environment 502:60-69.

53. Braune B, Gaston AJ, Elliott KH, Provencher JF, Woo KJ, Chambellant M, Ferguson SH, Letcher RJ. 2014. Organohalogen contaminants and total mercury in forage fish preyed upon by thick-billed murres in northern Hudson Bay. Marine Pollution Bulletin 78:258-266.

52. Elliott JE, Elliott KH. 2013. Tracking marine pollution. Science 340:556-558.

51. Elliott KH, Ricklefs RE, Gaston AJ, Speakman JR, Davoren GK. 2013. High flight costs and low dive costs in auks suggests a biomechanical explanation for flightlessness in penguins. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA 110:9380-9384.

50. Elliott KH, Welcker J, Gaston AJ, Hatch S, Palace V, Hare JF, Speakman JR, Anderson WG. 2013. Thyroid hormones correlate with resting metabolic rate, not daily energy expenditure, in two charadriiform seabirds. Biology Open 22: 580-586.

49. Elliott KH, LeVaillant ML, Kato A, Speakman JR, Ropert-Coudert Y. 2013. Accelerometry predicts daily energy expenditure in a bird with high activity levels. Biology Letters 20120919. 

48. Shoji A, Elliott KH, O’Reilly K, Gaston AJ. 2013. High corticosterone, not metabolism, correlates with reproductive success in ancient murrelets. PLoS One 8:e84280.

47. Young RC, Kitaysky AS, Haussmann MF, Descamps S, Orben RA, Elliott KH, Gaston AJ. 2013. Age, sex, and telomere dynamics in a long-lived seabird with male-biased parental care. PLoS One 8: e74931.

46. Robertson GJ, Fifield DA, Montevecchi WA, Gaston AJ, Burke CM, Byrne R, Elliott KH, Gjerdrum C, Gilchrist HG, Hedd A, Mallory ML, McFarlane-Tranquilla L, Regular PM, Ryan PC, Wilhelm S. 2013. Miniaturized data loggers and computer programming improve seabird risk and damage assessments for marine oil spills in Atlantic Canada. Journal of Ocean Technology 7: 41-58.

45. Gaston AJ, Elliott KH, Ropert-Coudert Y, Kato A, MacDonald C, Mallory ML. 2013. Modeling foraging range for breeding colonies of thick-billed murres Uria lomvia in the eastern Canadian Arctic and potential overlap with industrial development. Biological Conservation 168:134-143.

44. Provencher J, Elliott KH, Gaston AJ, Braune B. 2013. Networks of prey specialization in an Arctic monomorphic seabird. Journal of Avian Biology 44:551-560.


43. Jacobs SR, Elliott KH, Gaston AJ. 2013. Parents are a drag: long-lived birds share the cost of increased foraging effort with their offspring, but males pass on more of the costs than females. PLoS One 8: e54594.

42. Gaston AJ, Elliott KH. 2013. The effects of climate-influenced parasitism, predation and predator-predator interactions on the reproduction and survival of an Arctic marine bird. Arctic 66: 43-51. 

41. Harter BB, Elliott KH, Davoren GK, Divoky GK. 2013. Arctic Cod (Boreogadus saida) as prey: fish length-energetics relationships in the Beaufort Sea and Hudson Bay. Arctic 66:191-196. 

40. Elliott KH, Smith PA. 2012. Aerial surveys: a worthwhile add-on to PRISM surveys, especially in the Arctic. Studies in Avian Biology 44: 159-175.

39. Elliott KH, McFarlane-Tranquilla L, Burke CM, Hedd A, Montevecchi WA, Anderson WG. 2012. Year-long deployments of small geolocators increase corticosterone levels in murres. Marine Ecology Progress Series 466:1-7. Chosen as the "Feature article" For that issue of MEPS.

38. Rasmussen JL, Sealy SG, Guigueno MF, Elliott KH. 2012. Frequent ejection of artificial bronzed cowbird (Molothrus aeneus) eggs by the clay-colored thrush (Turdus grayi) in Costa Rica. Ornithologia Neotropical 23:33-41.

37. Bart J, Andres BA, Elliott KH, Francis CM, Johnston V, Morrison RIG, Pierce EP, Rausch J. 2012. Small-scale and reconnaissance surveys. Studies in Avian Biology 44: 136-156.

36. Guigueno MF, Elliott KH, Levac J, Wayland M, Elliott JE. 2012. Differential exposure of alpine ospreys to mercury: melting glaciers, hydrology or deposition rates? Environment International 40:24-32.

35. Jacobs SR, Elliott KH, Guigueno MF, Redman P, Gaston AJ, Speakman JR, Weber JM. 2012. Non-lethal measures of seabird body condition. Physiological & Biochemical Zoology 85:85-95. 

34. Elliott JE, Guigueno MF, Levac J, Shaw DP, Wayland M, Morrissey CA, Muir DCG, Elliott KH. 2012. Factors influencing legacy pollutant accumulation in alpine osprey: biology, topography, or melting glaciers? Environmental Science & Technology 46:9681-9689. 

33. Elliott KH. 2011. The Arctic phoenix. Arctic 64:497-500 (not peer-reviewed).

32. Elliott KH, Elliott JE, Wilson L, Jones I, Stenerson K. 2011. Density-dependence in reproduction and survival of bald eagles: linkages with chum salmon. Journal of Wildlife Management 75:1688-1699. 

31. Shoji A, Elliott KH, Aris-Brosou S, Crump D, Gaston AJ. 2011. Incubation patterns in a central-place forager affect lifetime reproductive success: scaling of patterns from a foraging bout to a lifetime. PLoS One 6: e17760.

30. Elliott KH, Johnston VH, Smith PA. 2010. Aerial surveys do not reliably census boreal shorebirds. Canadian Field-Naturalist 124:145-150.

29. Elliott, KH, AJ Gaston, and D Crump. 2010. Sex-specific behavior by a monomorphic seabird represents risk partitioning. Behavioral Ecology 21:1024-1032.

28. Elliott KH, Shoji A, Campbell KL, Gaston AJ. 2010. Oxygen stores and foraging behavior of two sympatric, planktivorous auks. Aquatic Biology 8:221-235.

27. Best DA, Elliott KH, Bowerman WW, Postupalsky S, Shieldcastle M, Tillitt D, Elliott JE. 2010. Productivity, embryo and eggshell characteristics, and contaminants in bald eagles from the Great Lakes, USA, 1986 to 2000. Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry 29:1581-1592.

26. Cesh LS, Elliott KH, Quade S, Letcher R, Elliott JE. 2010. Polyhalogenated aromatic hydrocarbons and metabolites: relation to circulating thyroid hormone and retinol in nestling bald eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus). Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry 29:1301-1310.

25. Jacobs SR, Edwards DB, Ringrose J, Elliott KH, Weber JM, Gaston AJ. 2010. Changes in body composition during breeding: reproductive strategies of three species of seabirds under poor environmental conditions. Comparative Biochemistry & Physiology 158A: 77-82.  

24. Smith PA, Elliott KH, Gaston AJ, Gilchrist HG. 2010. Has early ice clearance increased predation on breeding birds by polar bears? Polar Biology 33:1149-1153.

23. Elliott KH, Woo KJ, Gaston AJ. 2009. Specialization in murres: The story of eight specialists. Waterbirds 32:491-506.

22. Elliott KH, Woo KJ, Benvenuti S. 2009. Do activity costs determine foraging tactics for an arctic seabird? Marine Biology 156:1809-1816.

21. Elliott KH, Woo KJ, Gaston AJ, Benvenuti S, Dall’Antonia L, Davoren GK. 2009. Central-place foraging in an arctic seabird provides evidence for Storer-Ashmole’s halo. Auk 126:613-625. 

20. Elliott KH, Cesh LS, Dooley JA, Letcher R, Elliott JE. 2009. PCBs and DDE, but not PBDEs, increase with trophic level and marine input in nestling bald eagles. Science of the Total Environment 407:3867-3875. 

19. Elliott KH, Bull RD, Gaston AJ, Davoren GK. 2009. Underwater and above-water search patterns of an Arctic seabird: reduced searching at small spatiotemporal scales. Behavioral Ecology & Sociobiology 63:1773-1785.

18. Elliott KH, Gaston AJ. 2009. Accuracy of depth recorders. Waterbirds 32:183-191.

17. Elliott KH, Kaiser GW. 2009. Flight speeds of some British Columbia Birds. British Columbia Birds 19:7-15.

16. Jacobs SR, Elliott KH, Gaston AJ, Weber JM. 2009. Fatty acid signatures of female Brünnich’s guillemot Uria lomvia suggests reliance on local prey for replacement egg production. Journal of Avian Biology 40:327-336.

15. Woo K, Elliott KH, Davidson M, Gaston AJ, Davoren GK. 2008. Individual specialization in diet by a generalist marine predator reflects specialization in foraging behaviour. Journal of Animal Ecology 77:1082-1091.

14. Elliott KH, Davoren GK, Gaston AJ. 2008. Bias in murre feeding watches. Journal of Field Ornithology 79:298-307.

13. Elliott KH, Jacobs SR, Ringrose J, Davoren GK, Gaston AJ. 2008. Is mass loss in guillemots an adaptation for improved flight performance or improved dive performance? Journal of Avian Biology 39:619-628.

12. Elliott KH, Gaston AJ. 2008. Mass-length relationships and energy content of fishes and invertebrates delivered to nestling Thick-billed Murres Uria lomvia in the Canadian Arctic, 1981-2007. Marine Ornithology 36:25-34.

11. Elliott KH, Davoren GK, Gaston AJ. 2008. Increasing energy expenditure for a deep-diving bird alters time allocation during the dive cycle. Animal Behaviour 75:1311-1317.

10. Elliott KH, Davoren GK, Gaston AJ. 2008. Time allocation by a deep-diving bird reflects prey type and energy gain. Animal Behaviour 75:1301-1310.

9. Elliott KH, Woo K, Gaston AJ, Benvenuti S, Dall’Antonia L, Davoren GK. 2008. Seabird foraging behavior indicates prey type. Marine Ecology Progress Series 354:289-303.

8. Elliott KH, Davoren GK, Gaston AJ. 2007. Influence of drag and buoyancy on dive behaviour of an arctic seabird, the thick-billed murre. Canadian Journal of Zoology 85:352-361.

7. Reid JM, Arcese P, Keller LF, Elliott KH, Sampson L, Hasselquist, D. 2006. Inbreeding effects on immune response in free-living song sparrows (Melospiza melodia). Proceedings of the Royal Society, London: Biological Sciences 274:697-706.

6. Elliott KH. 2006. Declining Western Screech-Owl populations in south coastal BC. British Columbia Birds 14:2-11.

5. Elliott KH, J Duffe, Lee S, Mineau P, Elliott JE. 2006. Foraging ecology of Bald Eagles at an urban landfill. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 118:380-391. 

4. Elliott KH, Gaston AJ. 2005. Flight speeds of two seabirds: a test of Norberg’s hypothesis. Ibis 147:783-789. 

3. Elliott KH, Gill CE, Elliott JE. 2005. Influence of tides and weather on Bald Eagle provisioning rates. Journal of Raptor Research 39:1-10.

2. Elliott KH, Hewett M, Kaiser GW, Blake RW. 2004. Flight speeds and energetics of the Marbled Murrelet. Canadian Journal of Zoology 82:644-652.

1. Elliott KH, Struik CL, Elliott JE. 2003. Bald Eagles feeding on Plainfin Midshipman. Canadian Field-Naturalist 117:601-604.

Media Coverage

Front page of Vancouver Sun. “Eagles flock to the landfill—and it’s not for the food.” (14/12/2006). Also appeared on local cable networks and CBC television.

Radio interview with CBC Radio North 2007/08/20

Interviewed as part of the “Pick-up Sticks” short at the 2008 Banff Mountain Film Festival and the “Arctic Cliffhangers” documentary that appeared nationally on Oasis HD 

Nunatsiaq News North “Polar bears take up rock-climbing to find eggs” (2/5/2010).

BBC “Rock-climbing polar bears” (2/4/2010). 

Front page of the Vancouver Sun “B.C.’s south coast hosts world’ largest concentration of wintering eagles” (24/10/2011). 

CBC Radio “On the Island” interview (05/11/2011).

Nunatsiaq News “With less food, more predators, Nunavut’s akpait face hard times”. (08/08/2013). 

China Science Daily (daily readership: 150 million) “Scientists crack penguins: why not fly” (their English translation of the heading) (23/05/2013)

BBC’s “Today” Show (4 million listeners), radio interview (22/05/2013)

National Geographic “Evolution of flightlessness in penguins” (20/05/2013), appeared in at least two dozen other web outlets.

CTV News “Use seabirds to monitor chemical contamination of oceans: scientist” (02/05/2013). 

The above article appeared in: Vancouver Sun, The Province, Ottawa Citizen, CTV News, Global Post, and LiveScience.

CBC News “Use seabirds to track pollution, urges Winnipeg biologist” (02/05/2013)

NBC News “Seabirds can help track ocean pollution” (02/05/2013) 

Winnipeg Free Press “Watching seabirds aids understanding of ocean pollution” (03/05/2013) 

CBC Radio St John’s “Use of seabirds to monitor contaminants” (30/05/2013)

Discover Magazine “Elderly seabirds dive just as well as young ones” (11/09/2014)

Science Daily “Ageing gracefully: diving seabirds shed light on declines with age” (02/09/2014)

Radio-Canada’s Découverte had an episode on my research, based on an oral presentation of this research at the SEB meeting (11/11/2012)

Science Daily “Diving seabirds: working hard and living long” (2/7/2012)

The Vancouver Sun “Hawk found near Langley transfer station among the world's most polluted” (04/21/2015)

Huffington Post "Most polluted bird in the world found in Langley, B.C" (O4/23/2015)

24 Hours "Langley bird found filled with flame retardant"

Radio interviews on CBC ("On the Coast"), Radio-Canada Edmonton, CKNW

TV interview with Aaron MacArthur (GlobalTV)

Student Science News on "Roadkill: Learning from the dead"

Bacteria control levels of dangerous pollutant in seabirds. 16/12/16

Bacteria can help manage pollutant levels in seabirds. Tech Times 19/12/16

Why guillemot chicks leap from the nest before they can fly. Science Daily 9/03/17

German National Radio interview 19/03/17

Even tiny amounts of oil can doom seabirds. Science 5/7/17

Even a tiny oil spill spells bad news for birds. Science News 21/11/17

Sólo un poco de crudo de un vertido dificulta el vuelo de las aves. La informacion. 5/7/17

And several other international news agencies (, Audubon, Europapress, etc.)

Fear of predation may be enough to push small groups of animals to extinction. CBC. 20/07/17.

How the 'smell of death' drives species to extinction: intense fear of predators can kill populations because they lose their appetite for food and sex. Daily Mail. 26/07/17

Inside JEB. Tufted puffins are impressive radiators. ​

Audubon. Those big orange bills also help puffins stay cool after a workout. Puffins stay cool thanks to their large beak.

Science Coverage

Outside JEB “Do cheap trips help birds feed their chicks?” (Journal of Experimental Biology 209:iv).

“Editor’s Choice” at Science 325:1182. 

New Scientist “Why penguins dumped flight for flippers” (21/05/2013)

Nature “Why penguins can’t fly” (20/05/2013)

Science “Why penguins don’t fly” (20/05/2013)

Commended (i.e. 'runner-up') for Elton Prize